The Serious Answer:
BIDEN: I think he's done more harm than any other single elected official in memory in terms of shredding the constitution. You know — condoning torture. Pushing torture as a policy. This idea of a unitary executive. Meaning the Congress and the people have no power in a time of war. And the president controls everything. I don't have any animus toward Dick Cheney, but I really do think his attitude about the Constitution and the prosecution of this war has been absolutely wrong.
The unserious answer:
PALIN: Worst thing, I guess that would have been the duck hunting accident — where, you know, that was an accident. And I think that was made into a caricature of him. And that was kind of unfortunate.
Agree or disagree with Cheney on the US right to torture, choosing something entirely unrelated to his 8 years as VP in such a time is pretty telling that you havn't thought about it a lot. Its not even as if she has to defend Cheney, her running mate McCain has attacked him, and made ending torture a key point in the first presidential debate.(And note her "worst thing Dick Cheney has done" is more a complaint about the media having a laugh at his expense". Talk about being in the bubble.
And with that I'm off to watch the VP debate. Shame its on so early here in Australia, watchers may need a stiff drink if Palin really lets loose. But my prediction: She will annoy liberals and conservatives who have already pulled away, due to nonsense shallow talking points, but wont make any major gaffes and be declared to have beaten expectations simply by not making a giant fool of herself. Media will wonder if this is her second coming, and then forget her tomorrow by the time the House votes on the Financial Crisis bill.
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