Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Recyling the news

I think all bloggers secretely want to be weekly columnists (or openly - Hire me Fairfax, News Ltd!), from the outside it seems a great life, one column a week, only 700 words, everyone reads and complains about what you say, and if your Gerard Henderson it seems, just recyle last weeks news from the US.

This time its not even worth the outrage. Here's his latest weeks work in short:

"the roots of today's mortgage-based financial crisis can be traced back to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) which Jimmy Carter signed in 1977".

Put simply, three decades ago the Democrat administration responded to the demands of anti-poverty activists that banks should not discriminate against low-income earning minorities.

This was the story last week in the US, and whilst it served as a temporary talking point for the flailing McCain campaign, it has been thoroughly debunked time and time again.

For gods sake, the thing was passed in 1977. Is he seriously claiming that was the cause of troubles occuring in 2008? Conservatives revere the past, they shouldn't try to live in it.

Hire me SMH, or any of the hundread best Aussie political bloggers. They'll be sure to give you better, and more honest pieces. Its the least your readers deserve.

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