Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And they elected this guy?

There's a particular legendry back bencher in the Australian House of Reps Wilson 'Iron Bar' Tuckey. He got the name from apparently a length of said metal to a chump in the bar he used to run.

Looks like he now has some competition:

John Williams, a former truck driver, shearer, farmer and small business owner who only took his place in the Senate on July 1, said he had seen many people living on employment benefits who were "determined not to work".

"They are simply getting a free ride on behalf of tax payers of Australia and it is about time they received a touch on the backside with a cattle prodder to get them off their butts and actually do some work," he said.

The 53-year-old, a member of the rural-based National Party, said those who were capable of working should not receive a dole cheque unless they made some contribution to society.


Still, being a nutter seems to work for the other National Senators Barney Joyce and Ron Boswell. Guess that leaves Fiona Nash as somewhat sane, though her membership in the Australian Senate and the National Party seems to challenge that long term. Could be worse, she could be a green...

1 comment:

GAPS said...

Barney Joyce?

I know from your posts on Salmon Palace that you’re not the most fastidious speller in the world, but I didn’t expect to be able to spot an error in a name, be that through my lack of knowledge or your amount of it. But there you go.